Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

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Recovering from narcissistic abuse entails acknowledging your experience, setting appropriate boundaries, and taking excellent care of yourself. Reaching out for support from trusted loved ones or a therapist is also important, as they can provide much-needed comfort, validation, and guidance. While this process can be confusing, stressful, and exhausting, healing is possible and I am here to help guide you through. 

What Is Narcissistic Abuse?

Narcissistic abuse refers to the complex psychological and emotional abuse associated with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). At times, this abuse can be quite apparent and easy to detect. But in many cases, it’s far more covert and insidious. It may even leave you wondering if you’re imagining or overreacting to what happened. This questioning and self-blame are all part of a manipulative and dangerous narcissistic abuse cycle. Unfortunately, narcissistic abuse can be found in any type of relationship, whether coming from narcissistic family members, partners, or even a narcissistic boss. 

Effects of Narcissistic Abuse

10 Examples of Narcissistic Abuse

Specific abusive behavior from a narcissistic might look like alienating, gaslighting, or attempting to control or dominate the victim. Identifying a narcissistic abusive cycle can be a helpful first step to addressing it.

Some effects of narcissistic abuse include:

  • High levels of shame or feeling inadequate, unworthy, or “not good enough”
  • Excessive self-doubt and difficulty making decisions independently
  • Codependency or putting other people’s feelings and needs before your own
  • Trust issues and trouble opening up or being vulnerable with others
  • Feeling disconnected from your feelings, wants, and needs
  • Trouble setting boundaries and forming healthy relationships
  • Depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), suicidal thoughts, and substance use
  • Inner conflict about wanting to make your relationship with a narcissist work and needing to leave